Saturday, January 12, 2013

BIG move and BIG news...

It's official-- all moved into the new house and starting to feel settled in!  We moved in about a week before Christmas and hubby was on the move to get this home feeling as normal as possible for the holidays.  He did such a good job, tree and holiday decor went up before we even had dishes unpacked! We did a lot of unpacking and settling in mainly because we had NO TV OR INTERNET until two weeks ago (not because we actually felt motivated to get it all done as fast as we did). Either way, I am glad we pushed through getting it all done so that now we can concentrate on decorating and prep work for Baby Lane!

Quick shot of holiday decor in the new place:

Whats that you ask sticking out of my stocking??? That would be the gender of Baby Lane!!!!

A few side details about the 2 minutes prior to opening the envelope:

- I second guessed a million times should we open it.
- I was more nervous in that moment than any other moment I could recall EVER being that nervous.
- I started to open the envelope and just couldn't so I let John do the honors!
- I knew I would be a hot mess whatever the note said!


It's a GIRL! OM freakin' G!!!!!!!!

To all of our surprise Baby Lane is a girl and we are beyond excited!  I don't think either of us were swaying really hard one way or the other in terms of what we thought we were having but I think we both thought the chances of having a boy were better than a girl-- turns out its always 50/50 (imagine that).

We then both got dressed in record time and started to make the rounds to the parents to spread the good news.  We do have video of each family opening the envelope which we will be compiling into one big video I think when Baby Lane arrives!

Christmas was really fantastic this year and I know we have many more to come!  New Years was quite low key but spent with good friends and family at Trummers on Main.

So, don't shoot me because my holiday post is almost two weeks late-- we've been busy people!  I am on the mad dash to get this house in decorated order before the Spring and certainly before Baby Lane arrives!
Weekly pregnancy posts will resume starting tomorrow!  Happy Saturday :)