Monday, November 26, 2012

Questions Answered

Good Afternoon & Happy Monday!  The Thanksgiving holiday flew by as usual and here we are, well on our way to Christmas.  Christmas--I cannot believe it.  This year flew by!  Thanksgiving didn't have too many exciting events to write about so instead of a holiday post, I thought I would take the time to answer some commonly asked questions I get these days for all of your curious minds. Here goes:

Q: When will we know something about the house we have a contract on?
A: The house inspection was completed the week before Thanksgiving and the appraisal was completed on Saturday.  We are now awaiting the results of the appraisal and that is the last "hurdle."  After that we should be good to go to move in mid December!

Q: Are we going to find out the sex of the baby?
A:  Jury is still out on this one.  We have our 20 week Level 2 sonogram on December 20th and we are going to have the technician write the gender down in a SEALED envelope.  I figure this way once we make up our minds we will be able to know without having to wait until another appointment. I struggle with this decision daily for some reason.

Q:  When will I start doing weekly pregnancy posts?
A:  I thought I would wait until I started showing to do a post with a pic each week.  My doctor seems to think it will be any day now that I "pop" out! 

Q: Am I having any cravings?
A:  I am not sure I would use the term "craving" yet but it is very clear each day what I do want and what I don't want.  I am wanting more foods that are full of flavor and spicy.  I do not want anything to do with sweets.

Q: Have I started wearing maternity clothes?
A:  I am entering 17 weeks and so far no maternity clothes.   I did just order my first set of clothes on Black Friday to get some good deals since maternity seems to be rather expensive.  On a side note, I did try on a pair of jeans that were in regular rotation in my wardrobe on Sunday and  eek.... they were definitely too snug for comfort. The good news:  I just moved on to the next pair and they fit just fine (thank God or meltdown may have started).

Q: How are things living back at home while in transition?
A:  There are way more pros than cons.  That's the best way to sum it up.  John and I are both looking forward to having our own home again and getting back into our normal routine however, I am desperately going to miss coming home to meals being cooked!

Until next time, xoxoxo!

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