Monday, July 11, 2011

First of Many...

As this is my first post, I thought it was appropriate to share our most recent house project.  I will admit that there are some days that I am 100% motivated to cross things off our list and then other days items will sit in the shopping bags that I brought them home in. Much like the way I leave tags on clothes until I actually wear them, some projects I like to continue to think about before completing.  This is a fact about me that drives John insane.  Needless to say, we were both feeling pretty lazy this Sunday and decided to finally empty the pottery barn shopping bags that had been sitting in the corner for over two months.

We saw this great way to create a picture wall on HGTV and the method couldn't have been better.  We got poster board that was the width and length of the picture wall that we wanted to create.  We were then able to arrange pictures as much as we wanted without having to commit to a hole in the wall.  Once we decided on a layout, we outlined the pictures on the poster board to ensure frames were straight with the eye-line we wanted to create.

We then taped the poster board to the wall and using the outlines, drilled the holes for the pictures. This worked out great!  We love the finish product--now I just have to get the pictures re-sized that we want to use!  My favorite part of the wall is the name sign that we have kept from our wedding day sign that my dad made for us!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, It will let me post ...but since I don't have any of those accts. I just pick anonymous.

    The wall Looks Great!
